Intellectual Property Law in Mexico managed by professionals.

Trademark Registration


Trademark Registration

A company’s brand is it’s reputation, representing the trust it has spent years building with clients and customers. Much like any other reputation, it can quickly turn to dust if subject to an unscrupulous outside interest looking to capitalize on that trust.

Trademarks are a keystone element of a company’s brand, and proper protection starts with the filing and registration of your trademark with the proper authorities. De Alva & Asociados’ team of expert trademark attorneys will work with you on each step of the filing process:

  • Application review and revision to ensure acceptance by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).
  • Trademark research to identify and resolve issues associated with mark ownership.
  • Handle communications and revision requests from the IMPI to reduce timelines as much as possible.
  • Monitor the use of the mark within Mexican borders for opposition or infringement cases.

Once registered, trademarks in Mexico are granted for a 10 year period, and must be renewed during set periods to remain relevant. De Alva & Asoc. will ensure that the necessary paperwork for trademark renewal is filed within the relevant windows.

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